Beginner's guide to cholesterol intake

Lowering your dietary intake of cholesterol is recommended to maintain overall good health. Basic dietary guidelines are given below:

Limit the following ingredient in your diet viz: fats, especially saturated fats. All foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils- most margarines and baked goods.

Dairy fats, such as whole milk,cheese made with whole milk butter, egg yolks, sour cream. Vegetable oil and lard. Beef, especially the less-lean cuts. Alcohol. Products made of refined sugars and flours are not encouraging. Most animal fats and hydrogenated fats are solid at room temperature, and have more of the LDL(bad cholesterol). Also known as 'trans fats', these are the fats to avoid. Look carefully on the ingredients label for the words, 'hydrogenated,' or 'trans fats.' it is very important. The most common foods with trans fats are cookies, pies, cakes, chips, snack and convenience foods. These foods also usually contain refined sugars and flours, making them doubly bad for cholesterol level.

In summary, fruits and vegetables, most of which are cholesterol-free, and which help lower cholesterol levels. Whole-grain breads and cereals. Low-fat or skim milk, yogurt, sour cream and cheeses. Canola oil or extra virgin olive oil. Chicken, turkey and fish. Legumes and nuts. Garlic Margerines made of plant sterol esters, which help to lower cholesterol levels.
Foods high in fiber have the added benefit of helping to absorb and eliminate cholesterol from the intestines.

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