Personal skin care - dermatologist advice
Proper care of the skin- largest and most obvious organ in the body cannot be overemphasized. People who neglect personal skin care will end up developing skin disease in their body. Skin problem is not a good experience for any body. Flatter a lady that she is beautiful when she has pimples all over her face. Don't be surprise to see hot water in your body. However, Dr. Petterson, a certified dermatologist and a renowned skin care expert has recommended five basic advices on personal skin care. Eat enough fruits We all know the importance of fruits in our daily lives. Fruit are good source of vitamins and vitamins are known to keep the skin in healthy condition. I held an interview with the dermatologist on personal skin care issues regarding the bad skin condition of majority of people. He made me to understand that some people lack professional knowledge on skin care that is why they can not cure common pimples on their face. This is the interview I had with the doctor. ...