Beauty Care Recipes tips
Beauty is paramount in the life of anybody, irrespective of your sex. There is a popular saying that infers that beauty is subjective in concept. Beauty care is a part of skin care issue that many people are taking for granted. Below are top five beauty care recipes that might be helpful:
1. Avocado: improves fertility because it's a good source of vitamin E.
2. Aloe Gel: this recipe is a complete remedy for burns.
3. Coconut Milk: this recipe enhances clear and smooth skin.
4. Cucumber: this recipe is very popular. If you eat fried rice then you don't have any problem when it comes to dark circles under eyes and wrinkles.
5. Raw Egg: this recipe is gotten from birds. It acts as a skin conditioner.
6. Fenugreek seeds: this recipe purifies the blood when taken internally.
7. Pure Honey: this recipe has many uses. But the most important one to beauty care is the natural moisturizing ability.
8. Pasteurized Milk: for skin nourishment.
9. Oatmeal: for smooth skin, improves complexion
10. Olive oil: good for dry skin.
11. Oranges and Pineapple: this contains natural astringents, improves complexion, soften the skin, skin bleach.
12. Tomato: this recipe can open skin pores.
13. Vinegar: this is for blemishes, itchy skin, and sunburn, softens skin
14. Yogurt: this last recipe in the top 14 beauty care recipes. it softens and hydrates the skin.