Top three(3) weight loss mistakes

Weight loss is very common nowadays. Especially among fat people. And this fat people are specifically ladies. The common trend is that many fat people want to loss weight forgetting that being fat does not necessarily mean having weight.

The problem is many weight that want to loss way don't know the right way to go about them. Therefore, they end up making mistakes. Below are top 10 weight loss mistakes. Check to see if you are not doing it well. This article assumes that you are already in a fitness or dieting program.

1. Comparism mistake: there is nothing that kills an individual more than trying to compare yourself with another person. This is the beginning of failure. The fact that other people are responding fastly to the weight loss program does not mean it will be so for you.

Infact you will build internal crisis in your mind. Therefore as an advice avoid this deadly mistake.

One thing you have to know is that there is always someone who is smarter or richer or slimmer that you. Everyone has his/her own unique genetic make-up which affects how we gain weight gain, lose weight, and respond to training etc. Comparing yourself to others is totally futile.

2. Miracle cure syndrom: this is a basic mistake in weight loss program. Miracle to lose weight does not come automatically, so you shouldn't be expecting it. It takes some effort to lose weight. Going to the gym is not a one time affair. There is no miracle cure for weight loss. You need to put in some time and effort but it need not be a chore. Enjoy it and stop thinking of a miracle cure somewhere. Loosing weight takes time. Be patient.

3. Food intake matters: this is the last killer mistake we will be discussing.

Avoid fast food and snacks and forget about those soft drinks. On the other hand, don't starve yourself. Extremes are no good. Strike a balance and provide your body with the nourishment it needs.

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